Compatibility of Network License Manager.

Compatibility of Network License Manager With Opcenter APS (Preactor).

 Note: Old name of the software was Preactor and new name is Opcenter APS 


Problem :

Can a newer version of Network License Manager (NLM) be used with an older version of Opcenter APS (Preactor)?


Network License Manager (NLM) is fully backwards compatible. This means that you can use a newer version of NLM with an older version of Opcenter APS (Preactor), but you cannot use an older version of NLM with a newer version of Opcenter APS (Preactor). The reason for this is because often the toolkit of NLM will have been updated, so older versions of the toolkit will not work in newer versions of Opcenter APS (Preactor).

It is important to note that there are licensing issues that are only corrected when using a specific version of Opcenter APS (Preactor) with a specific version of NLM, so even though an older version of Opcenter APS (Preactor) may be used with a newer version of NLM, not all licensing problems will be resolved because some problems require a newer version of Opcenter APS (Preactor) to be installed.