Activating Your Opcenter APS License.

Activating Your Opcenter APS License.


How do I activate my Opcenter APS license?

Solution :

To activate a license, do the following:

1. It is first important to establish the license type that you will be activating.  This means determining whether the license is a local (node locked) or network (Floating) license.  To do this, examine the 'Your Opcenter APS License Activation Codes' e-mail you have already received.  A table specifying the license details will be included in the e-mail.  Look at the column 'License Type', and you will see either Node Locked or Floating.  Node Locked means that the license is a local license so the local License Utility will need to be launched.  Floating means that the license is a network license, so the Network License Utility will need to be launched. 

2. Launch the appropriate license utility for the license type you will be activating.   

3. Choose the option 'Activate a new license' and then click 'Next'.

4. You need to specify how the license is to be activated, either over the internet, or offline.  For online activation a network connection is required, and port 80 should be open, click 'Next'. 

For offline activation, read the Offline License Management section in the User Guide here and click 'Next', following the directions given on the screen and what you have read about for offline activation.  Please note that the entire offline request and response process must be completed before sending an offline request for a different license number.

5.  Provide the Activation Code when requested.  The activation code is an alphanumeric code in the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx.  This code is found in the Opcenter APS activation e-mail, and can be copied and pasted.  Click 'Next'.

6. For offline activation, follow the remaining steps as detailed in the Offline License Management section of the User Guide here.  The final screen will report back whether activation has been successful or not.   

For online activation, the license will be activated over the internet and will report back whether the activation has been successful or not.  Click the 'Finish' button to close the window.