Adopt | Improve | Optimize | Champion

Our XaaS offers

What is XaaS?

XaaS, or Anything as a Service, is a business model that offers various productions, services and resources bundled as a service to the customer. It is an evolution of the traditional software as a service (SaaS) model and encompasses a wide range of services beyond just software

XaaS - The future of business

User engagement is the outcome from adoption

Research consistently shows that all success hinges on adoption. Without user buy-in, even the most advanced solutions become costly burdens. Prioritizing adoption ensures that investments translate into tangible benefits, driving organizational success.

User engagement

Leadership engagement is the outcome from expansion

Expansion directly correlates with enhanced business outcomes, as it enables scalability, efficiency gains, and maximized returns on investment. By strategically expanding the adopted solution usage across departments and functionalities, businesses unlock untapped potential for growth and competitive advantage.

Remove Barriers
Icentivize outcomes
Leadership Engagement

Efficiency is the Outome from Optimization

Optimization is the crucial next step in software implementation, where efficiency becomes the tangible outcome, empowering businesses to streamline processes, maximize productivity, and achieve peak performance


Experience is the outcome provided by Champions

Champions in XaaS implementations deliver an exceptional user experience, driving seamless adoption and maximizing the value of the service, as evidenced by research on customer success in software adoption

Unlocking Manufacturing Potential

Modular XaaS Solutions

Streamline operations by using flexible software, infrastructure and services enabling manufacturers to adapt quickly to changing requirements


Adopt the foundational modules for user engagement followed by add-ons to scale


Get your team upskilled on software capabilities, data integrity and best practices in software implementation

Customer Success

Move from reactive and informed vendors to a proactive partner responsible for your success

Professional Services

Bridge gaps in your team by leveraging our PS team for configuration, modelling, integration and extensions

Managed Services

Focus on your core business operations and enjoy peace of mind

Experts that care

Our Services

SNic Solutions is a software value-added reseller.

Sell Software

We don't just resell software like a distributor. As a value-added reseller, we sell partner software along with our own add-ons and services to provide added value to end users. As a expert solution provider, we combine technology and services that provide value beyond the original order fullfilment. 

We integrate systems across operations.

Integration Services

Many manufacturers already have multiple software systems in place such as ERP, inventory management, and supply chain. Sometimes even existing manufacturing execution systems (MES). It’s no easy task to undertake to integrate with existing systems, but that’s why our customers keep recommending us. We are the system integrators you’ve been looking for.

Software support is key especially for down the road when there are updates or new users.

Customer Success

Let us take care of you so you can focus on saving your business. We are the guide that educates you, helps you implement, and continue your success.

We know how to do a thorough requirements gathering to best understand what our customers need.

Requirements Gathering

It’s best when customers come to us with a plan of execution. Sometimes though, customers aren’t sure of what they need besides the fact that they need a solution. They put their trust in us to listen to their challenges, understand them completely, and provide the best solution.

We are experts in configuring and modeling specific even the most specificniches.

Configuration & Modeling

No matter the industry or position in manufacturing there are always constraints. When we configure and model the product structure, we take all of that into account.

We offer out-of-the-box as well as customized solutions.

Bespoke Development

Every business is unique even if the products are similar, which is why we are willing and able to adhere to our customers’ needs and wants. 

Our goal is for every one of our customers to see success.

Software Support

Software is not a one-and-done because companies are not one-and-done. There is constant change in market trends, manufacturing regulations, and business model changes that go on so that businesses can be sustainable. Our team provides a constant support system to anticipate your needs and be there when you do have questions.

Software Training

Software Training

What we do is very niche. There are few software value-added resellers that do what we do. We will provide you with a high-level view to help you understand and then get you in the trenches to understand how your manufacturing floor is operating.


All our services are highly oriented and tuned up.

Our Customers

We provide businesses with digital marketing solutions that work