License Not Found. Activate License Dialog Keeps Showing.

License Not Found. Activate License Dialog Keeps Showing.


When launching Opcenter APS, the license is not being found, or it is being detected, but cannot be used, and the "Activate License" dialog keeps appearing.


There can be a number of different reasons as to why a license is not being detected, or it is being detected, but cannot be used. The first step in diagnosing this type of issue is to right click on the title bar of the Activate License dialog that keeps showing and choose the option 'Advanced Details'.  Examine the contents of the License log to see the reason why the license cannot be found or used.  Also, check the License storage contents in the lower window, specifically the status of the license, to make sure that it is in an ENABLED state, check the Expiration Date etc.

Please see the article links below that provide a more detailed explanation on why a license cannot be found or used.

Reasons why a local license is not being detected

License has never been activated on that computer

PRCDF file has wrong license number specified

More than one remote desktop checkout on more than one terminal server remote client

License is in Broken State

Reasons why a network license is not being detected

Opcenter APS updated, but NLM not Updated

License has never been activated on that computer

PRCDF file has wrong license number specified

Correct services are not running

Services Keep Stopping as Soon as They Are Restarted

Power Management Settings and Service Settings Incorrect

Firewall needs to be configured

Vendor Daemon Needs to be Restarted

License is in Broken State

Licensed number of users already reached

Multiple Licenses for Same Product Installed on Same Network Licensing Server